Welcome creators, dreamers, and risk-takers!
Think back to that one moment that changed everything – the spark that propelled your life forward in a thrilling new direction. I’m willing to bet that it involved taking a leap of faith, and how you landed was the turning point that made all the difference. Was your success tied to a courageous moment that arose from acting boldly, without apology?
Let me take you back to a night that still gives me goosebumps. I was a young musician, playing to a crowd of five thousand as a member of the opening act. We kicked butt and they loved us.
But the real magic happened backstage, when the musical director of the headlining act approached me with an enticing offer: join them on stage, on the fly, with no rehearsal and no safety net. I had never heard of their music, didn’t know their songs, and my initial response was a resounding “I think I’ll pass”.
But the director saw something in me that I didn’t – potential. “After seeing you play,” he said, “I know you can do this. Just follow my cues, and you’ll be fine.”
This was my moment of truth. One voice whispered “play it safe,” while another screamed “go for it!” The choice was mine: risk embarrassment or seize the opportunity. Something shifted, and I found myself sitting at the drum kit, playing with reckless abandon alongside these strangers. It was pure adrenaline! They even invited me to join them for the final bow, and that decision changed the trajectory of my life. I was sixteen. It eventually led me to Nashville, to a successful music career.
Music and art have been the driving forces in my life, fueled by a creative energy that we all tap into as artists. The question is, how will you harness and unleash this energy?
My advice is simple: create bravely.